Franklin County Landfill

A Facility that Protects the Environment

Modern Sanitary Landfill Environmental Protection System

The Franklin County Landfill was constructed in compliance with the strict environmental standards contained within NYSDEC regulation Part 360. Those regulations set forth a set of environmental protections illustrated in the diagram below. Those protections include a dual composite landfill liner with leachate (dirty water) collection system. Leachate is conveyed via a pump station to dual contained leachate storage tanks are used to safely store the leachate on site. An active landfill gas collection system with flare is also employed to manage emissions. A series of groundwater monitoring wells surround the landfill to provide another layer of water protection. Stormwater ponds control rainwater, and protect nearby surface water bodies. Buffer areas provide a natural visual barrier to the landfill facility. Once a landfill section becomes full, it is capped with a geomembrane and clay liner system.

Franklin County Landfill Double Composite Liner System with Leachate Collection

The Franklin County Landfill employs an engineered double composite liner system which features a secondary composite liner, secondary leachate collection system, primary composite liner and a primary leachate collection system. Leachate is water that has been in contact with waste. The liner system is mandated by NYSDEC regulations and is designed to protect the environment especially groundwater.

The secondary composite liner is constructed of soil liner and a geosynthetic liner. The secondary composite liner is made up of 2 feet of compacted soil and a secondary 80-mil thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane.

The secondary leachate collection system directly overlies the secondary composite liner, and is comprised of drainage material. The function of the drainage layer is to convey any flow resulting from a leak in the primary composite liner to a secondary leachate collection pipe. The secondary collection system consists of a composite synthetic drainage material that lies directly above the secondary HDPE geomembrane.

The primary composite liner consists of an HDPE geomembrane installed directly over a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). The uppermost hydraulic barrier of the primary soil liner is a reinforced geosynthetic clay liner. The primary geomembrane layer is an 80 mil HDPE. As a composite, the primary GCL and HDPE geomembrane liners serve as an extremely effective barrier against leachate flow.

The primary leachate collection system consists of a 24 inch layer of select fill (rounded stone) installed over the primary geomembrane. Similar to the secondary collection system, a leachate collection pipe is installed in each landfill section to collect and remove leachate from the primary collection layer.

Please see the diagrams below, which illustrate the details of the double composite liner system and leachate collection system.

Landfill Capping System

Once a landfill section has reached its volume capacity and final grades, it must be capped per the Part 360 regulations. The intermediate cover layer is made up of 12 inches of common fill that is placed over the waste. The cap system is comprised of a 40 mil textured linear low-density polyethylene geomembrane which directly overlays a geosynthetic clay liner. The cap acts as a hydraulic barrier to prevent rainwater from infiltrating the closed section of the landfill. The cap is topped off with a 6-inch layer of topsoil, which is seeded for vegetative growth.

828 County Route 20, Constable NY, 12926

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 7:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Scale Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30AM - 3:30PM, Sat 10:00AM - 1:00PM


Residential Service only on Saturdays. No recycling facility on site. All legal holidays the facilities are closed.

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