Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Composting

Residents of Franklin County have local options for waste reduction, reuse and composting. Please check out the links below for more information.

Franklin County Cornell Cooperative Extension: 
Backyard Composting and Food Scraps Recovery Information Cornell Cooperative Extension | Compost Resources) and Composting - Cornell Waste Management Institute
Local food Scraps Compost Program:
Community Composting – The Cook Farm
Tupper Lake Wild Center Food Scraps Compost Program:
Waste Reduction and Reuse Information:
Waste Reduction, Reuse And Recycling Pamphlets and Informational Material - NYSDEC
Local Reuse Outlet:
St. Vincent de Paul Society, 6 Homestead Park Malone, NY, 12953 (518) 483-5523