Regional Station Hours Mon.-Fri. 7am-4pm, Sat. 10am-1pm
Residents of Franklin County have local options for waste reduction, reuse and composting. Please check out the links below for more information.
Franklin County Cornell Cooperative Extension:
Backyard Composting and Food Scraps Recovery Information Cornell Cooperative Extension | Compost Resources) and Composting - Cornell Waste Management Institute
Local food Scraps Compost Program:
Community Composting – The Cook Farm
Tupper Lake Wild Center Food Scraps Compost Program:
Waste Reduction and Reuse Information:
Waste Reduction, Reuse And Recycling Pamphlets and Informational Material - NYSDEC
Local Reuse Outlet:
St. Vincent de Paul Society, 6 Homestead Park Malone, NY, 12953 (518) 483-5523